Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I'm a weight loss genius

Oh man... I laughed all day. That title should make you at least chuckle.

So I went to the doctor today for my extremely (scratch)... annoying (scratch)... sleepless (scratch)... spreading (scratch).... poison ivy.

Folks, it's in my ear.

So the nurse weighs me and says: "Well look at you." She says it in a good way with an accent you'd hear in Fargo. I thought yeah... not bad, could drop it 10 or more.

She then takes me in the exam room and takes my vitals...looks at the chart again where my weight is listed... and really studies it.
I'm thinking what's the big deal about my weight. It's not great... but not horrible.

As she leaves she says (once again in her Fargo accent): "What ever you've been doing since August 2007 keep it up."

I set there for about 10 seconds and realized, in August 2007.... I was eight months pregnant.

Yeah... keep it up Jen. Good Job.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Last Minute. Lots of Fun!

We're baaaack!! But not for long.

We have a day or so to get things ready to go again.
This time Dave and I are going in separate directions.
He's headed to Montreal for some NHL meetings.... I'm headed east.

But here's a wrap up of our last minute little trip. (we decided Monday and left Tuesday)
We spent time in Charleston, Knoxville and good ol'Rhea County for Father's day.
We ate way too much.. But the seafood and the home-cookin' were scruptous.
Jake loved the sand (what a mess!)... but hated the water.

And I have to brag on this guy. Yep the one with the hat on. Did you know he could carry Jake, a beach chair, cooler and a beach bag so big you could fit Rhode Island in it?
I know I was quite impressed.
The days of going to the beach with a towel and a book are over...for now.
I think our favorite was a boat ride out to Fort Sumter. It was relaxing and about put Jakey to sleep. Look at his eyes... they are barely even open.

I can tell I had a good time. I'm sunburned, fire ant bitten and covered in poison ivy.
Oh yeah, let the good times roll.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Ahhh... Finally

I told ya we were going somewhere. Today we made it to our destination, good'ole Charleston, South Carolina.
Its beautiful here. It was quite an eventful trip. We've drove through tornado warnings, survived an attack of fire ants and manuvered a town where there's not hardly a street sign.
But, this made it all worth it.

Jake has been to the beach before but this was his first time since becoming mobile. When I first stood him in the sand, he did nothing. He didn't smile. He didn't move. But slowly he figured it out and by the time we left he was moving at a fast pace.
As for the ocean, this was his reaction...

He's not quite ready for that.
So that's day one.
Tomorrow we're headed back to the beach.
For now...say cheese.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Oh Man... I wanna go.

Sometimes I just hate being responsible and mature. Yeah... I know. It dosen't happen very often.
But... for this reason I'm not on a plane right now with my sister headed to EUROPE!! She's going to London, Paris and all sorts of fun in between. I just couldn't leave Jake for 10 days with all his appointments and such.
This afternoon I took her to the airport. She and my uncle are traveling together with a bigger group.

Of course my whole family went to the airport to say goodbye. Look at us... don't we just scream the Waltons. (sorry mom your eyes are closed..but it's the only picture I've got.) Jim Bob is taking the picture by the way.

Hey.. I love going to the airport. You always see somebody. Today it was a bunch of dirty people who had just attended bonnaroo. I also saw some Mafia members. The Musik Mafia that is. Cowboy Troy and his little friend two-feet Fred went sailing by. I think I also saw Big Kenny.... just his hat.
Here's the bottom line. Tonight, instead of sleeping on a plane....I'm home. But there is good news my friends. Our last minute vacation plans are shaping up. We're heading out tomorrow for a little fun ourselves. So where did we decide go? Just wait... I'll show ya soon.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Now let's have some fun!

We here at the White House are feeling a little silly. After so much stress this week. We're in the clear.

Made it through the big meeting Thursday. I now have six appointments for Jake every week.
It's a lot but three are here-- yes... we are getting some in-home therapies..

As you can tell from my ramblings... his heart appointment went just fine this morning.
We go back in two months.

My little man is now down for a nap after starting the morning by re-introduing the milk he just had back to the world. I hate cleaning up throw-up.

So let the vacation begin! Yep Dave's off all next week. But guess what? Miss Planner didn't plan anything because of Jake's heart. So we'll be vacay-ing by the seat of our pants. Let's just call it an.... adventure. I think it will be fun... right?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Here's where you come in.

Yep, it's time once again to lift Jacob up. Friday. 10:30. Heart Doctor.
I have felt a need this week to pray for acceptance. So will you do the same?

There's a lot going on in Jacob's world right now.
It's time for his annual review with TEIS. That's the state program that provides therapy to us for absolutely free. It's lovely. I will miss it.

Because it's annual review time all his therapist are scoring him and throwing numbers at me. It's something they've gotta do so I don't blame them. Here's a very short summary. His fine motor and communication skills (speech) are way behind. His gross motor (walking) and social skills are just fine. Jake scored 24 months on the social scale. He's only 19 months.

So tomorrow is the big meeting and I'll just be glad when it's over.

Earlier today I thought I might be blogging a lot more. That's because we couldn't go anywhere. Jake hid my keys and there's only one set. (yep...living on the edge)
We missed play group but I finally found them. Some were in the garbage can...others in the hamper. Of course!! The garbage can right underneath gross, dirty stuff! Why didn't I think to check there first.

And finally... I saved the best for last. Pictures!! I finally put together this new toy..and come to find out, it has two useful purposes.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

What's happening here...

Something is going on in the White House. We are acting a little strange. Not strange so much as stupid.
Let me prove my case to you.

I give you example numero uno:

In the picture, the bag-on-the-head looks like a game. But in reality...it only became a game after I caught Dave watching TV with the bag on his head. Yep... just sitting there... with a bag on his head??? I say that makes perfect sense don't you.

Example # 2: I. Fried. Myself. Today. Now you can ask my family... I am the sunscreen diva.
But, today my common sense took a vacation. I went up to the pool while Jake and Dave napped. I thought..ahh... just relax. Read. Chill. Burn? I didn't put on sunscreen. Didn't think I'd be there long. An hour and 15 minutes later... I am purple.

And finally... Example #3:

I moved Jake's diaper pail out of his room yesterday because I felt his room always had a slight stink smell.
So here is Dave's thoughts :

Dave: "Man, Jake's room smells a lot better without that diaper pail."

Jen: "Yeah, I gotta find a new place for it."

Dave: "What's it suppose to do? Cut down on the smell?"

Jen: "That's the idea of a diaper pail honey."

Dave: (brief pause) Well, do you think it's broken? Maybe it's had too much poop in it. Maybe it can only take so smell."

Folk, there you have it.

Now, I'm gonna go spray more dermoplast on my skin and have sweet dreams of an aloe plant.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I'm in Luv...

Yep. Tonight I'm totally content. Everything is right with the world...all because we went for a walk. Our little family takes a walk almost every night. It's a chance to just talk, de-stress and spend time together.
Tonight on our walk I realized something.
I'm in Luv with our neighborhood. We're small...but mighty!

I love the guy across the street who fixed our air conditioner for free. Tonight he came over just to make sure everything's ok.

I love the lady who watches Dog Whisperer religiously. She walks her dog for hours everyday. Everyday. Even Christmas. Tonight she stopped to warn us about some dogs who like to bite. I love her for that.

I love standing in the yard talking to a dear friend up the street. We talk about her pregnancy. How great a mom she's gonna be and how our dogs are in love with each other.

I love how while talking to her, another friend walks up and we just stand there and talk some more.

I love that guy who looks just like Ryan Seacrest, who runs every night.

I love how my workout buddy pulled over in her car to talk and Ryan Seacrest ran by and Dave got on to us.

To sum it up... I love living around some great people who I get to call neighbors.
I love that our little half hour walk took two hours. Yep, two hours.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Updates and Well Wishes

Dave and I got to breathe a sigh of relief this morning. Over the weekend I was getting Jake out of the bath and found a lump on his left side just under his arm pit. Of course I immediately thought WHAT NOW LORD!! But said a little prayer and left everything in God's hand.
This morning the minute the doctor's office opened I called and got us in. The doctor thinks it's just a swollen lymph node. Jake had a fever Saturday night and barely slept. It's believed all this is tied together. So for now we're just watching it.
Also... Get Well Wishes to an uncle of mine. He had to kiss his gallbladder goodbye today. I say good riddance gallbladder. Couldn't behave yourself could you?
And finally....because I want everyone to know. I'm married to the most lovable guy in the world.
He's charming, kindhearted and just plain hilarious. He also finally agreed to watch Twlight with me last night and made it all the way through. When I asked him about his favorite part.... Dave said it was where that one guy got his head ripped off.
Ahh....so much for a love story.