Friday, January 30, 2009

Here's The Latest

So our little family got back in place on Monday.
 I drove straight from East Tennessee to a feeding appointment and Dave landed around 5 in the evening.
  Of course Dad came home with present for Jake.
 Meet you-pee. Youppi is the mascot for Montreal's NHL team.

So the feeding appointment didn't go very well. Of course, I knew it wouldn't because I'd seen what was going on. Jake at 15 months still won't chew. He wants to suck everything from cereal to pieces of cheese. The little booger will almost totally diss anything on a spoon. So no mashed diet and as for  baby food...well you could say he's just over that.
 Bottom line... not eating.
So we are going to see a nutritionist in a couple of weeks. Until his fine motor skills catch up with his age. We supplement...supplement... supplement.
 In the White House we say this alot..."Well, what are you gonna do. I guess we'll just love him."

There's two other things I want you know. The croup is back. Which means steriods are back. Which means a hyped-up baby who fidgets all night is back. Who wants to stay awake through the wee hours? Ummmm... me?

 Second, dum...dum...dum.  It's that time again. Heart appointment time. Monday...9:30. Me, Dave, Jake and the Doc.  Pray. Pray. Pray.

 Here's what wish I could tell my Pharmacist: "Excuse me.  Can I have a sleeping pill that will get me to Tuesday? Yeah...give me that one. The big one. Great! Thanks!"

P.S  Dave didn't win his Emmy. That's Ok. I don't think he really cared.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009


     It seems like a simple thing to do. 
     But breathing is not an easy thing in this White House tonight.
     Jake has come down with the croup.  I personally thought it was an old-timey thing. I mean the only croup I remember is in Anne of Green Gables. You know the scene where Anne comes to the rescue of Diane's sister by giving her Ipecac.  It's a great moment of forgiveness and friendship... blah..blah..blah. If you haven't seen it.. ahhhh it's good. 
     So anyway back to reality.  Jake's sick...I'm not feeling great and Dave of course is just fine.

     God love him.
     Of course this all happens the night before Jake and I are suppose to go wee-wee-wee all the way home.  Dave is going a different kind of wee-wee.  He's going to Montreal. As in Canada. As in oui! We are french!!  He's covering the NHL All-Star game this weekend... very exciting.
     Let me take this moment to brag on my love one just a little bit. While in Montreal he will be missing the regional Emmy Awards. Once again he and the whole Predator's broadcast team is nominated. (Dave would never say anything about it...but I think he deserves a little pat on the back)
 Good Luck!!
   By the way... this is Dave checking Jake for loose change.  He needs the money and Jake laughs like a hyena.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Nothing Much

  I've been trying for two days to post new pictures. But my computer has SARs. (Meaning Something Ain't Right Sonny)
 My computer guy (aka Dave) is going to to take a look at it tonight.
 Meanwhile on the home front: I took Jake to PT this morning and guess who took the teeniest of tiniest steps by himself.  Yep! The walking is right around the corner. 
He is such an incredible gift.
Yeah, we battle a lot of issues.. but there's still so much joy.
By the way... speaking of happiness. 
Jake fought nap time today until I started singing him... wait for it.... 
      Rocky Top. 
Guess what happened? He smiled. Then went to sleep. 

I'll wrap it up today with a little conversion Dave and I had a little while ago.

Jenny: "Dave, who do you thing has a prettier orange?  The Vols or the Texas Longhorns?"

Dave (not even thinking about his answer) replies.
 "The Long.... I mean the Vols."

God love him.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009


How about you find the words to describe how cute this kid is?
I just couldn't do it.

P.S. I's time for a haircut.

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Finale. Jake's New Tricks.

So finally...after two rambling post, I'm getting to what most of you really want to know.
How's Jake? What's he doing now?

Well, since you asked. My boy has decided to say both daddy and mama.
Let me write that again. MY BOY HAS DECIDED TO SAY BOTH DADDY AND MAMA!!!!
YIPEE!  It's truly is a sweet sound.

He's not walking yet. But he is standing pretty good and he's gotten so much better at cruising around tables and such.  I think he'll take his first steps before too long.

He's climbing the stairs in a flash.

 And is just starting to learn how to back down them. 

Jake... is a genius.

Here's what he's not doing.. and we are a little concerned.  Jake is not chewing.
Yep. Fourteen months. No Cheerios.  He's crunching on things better but not chewing.
Did I mention he's not chewing. So, if you want to send a prayer up for our boy please do.
His feeding specialist is not concern so I'll pretend I'm not either. I'm just picturing me traveling with a blender so I can puree everything. 

Jake's next heart appointment is February 2nd so please pray for that too.

Long story short. Jake is doing like Jake will do.

Oh So Much to Tell You. Numero Dos.

So 2009, huh? Interesting.

Is there anyone else who can't believe it's already 2009?
I can still remember sitting at work at midnight on Y2K.  I was working overnights then and expecting the world to fall apart. 

Our New Years eve was very interesting. I spent most of the night with my stomach in knots. I was  on edge about the fireworks waking up Jake. I seriously wanted to run out the door and threaten some kids to the point they wouldn't even think about setting another whizzing, popping, exploding  fireball soaring near our house.
 But as usual the calm, easy going Dave reminded me it WAS a time to celebrate.

So I have some resolutions... but I'm keeping them to myself.
Don't want you all to know when I don't keep them. 

But I have to say 2008 will never, NEVER be forgotten.
Here's my kid looking at you and 2009. (Get it...kinda like "Here's looking at you kid"..but not)

Next: Part Three of my catching up blog which will be titled Jake's new tricks.

Oh So Much To Tell You. Numero Uno.

I've let the blog slip for a while.  Sorry, just a lot going on.
Let's rewind things...shall we?
Close your eyes and imagine back to almost two whole weeks ago to Christmas.
Now open them... and take a look a Jake's second Christmas.

The poor boy doesn't have anything to ride on. If you haven't figured it out...this little boy is well loved.  He's well loved by these people...and so many more.

It was oh so good to see all our family. And we thank all of you for your hugs, kisses and presents.  In pure Jenny form I came home a little stressed about finding a place for everything. But...wha-lah... a little trip to IKEA can cure any organizing problem.
  So now it's a new year...and my little boy is doing some major new tricks...but I'll save that for a future post.