Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Like Father, Like Son

I'm so excited to tell you about Jake's new love! It's great! So great, that I couldn't of picked a more perfect thing for my little man to attach to.

At this moment Jake is asleep, curled up with his...PREDATORS JERSEY!! HAA!!

Jake has had this jersey... well... his entire life.

(Do me a favor and sigh with me at the cuteness of my little man during year one of the jersey.)

Ok, back to my story.

The past couple of weeks Jake has been dragging this jersey out and pointing to the Predator symbol. I talk about the Preds and daddy and cheer them on in the middle of lunch or Mickey.

Jake has even found his Daddy's collection of Preds pullovers in the closet. He'll point them out to me and even play with them.

Tonight, I was folding his clothes and Jake spotted his jersey in the pile. So I slipped it over his pajamas and turned on the game. Man-o-man! That boy zoned in on some hockey!

Bedtime rolled around so I took the jersey off during the bedtime story. Not a good move momma! Jake pushed out of my lap, got the jersey and get this... walked over to the tv and turned the game back on. What a hoot!

For now forget football, basketball and even baseball. This family is raising a hockey fan!

I mean how perfect is that! His daddy will be so proud. (His momma is gonna have really push football in the fall)

Go Preds!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Jake's Got Something To Say!

Grammy, We love you so much! See you soon!
Here, Jake wants you to have this...

(i've decided working out is easier then getting a 2 year old to hold a sign and look at the camera. Seriously, I'm sweating here.)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patty's Day

Lucky wishes from my little Leprechaun to you!

This is Jake wishing you find ONE MILLION DOLLARS today! ha.ha.ha. (austin powers..get it!) ( mom, it's a movie)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Well-Known Fact: Jacob is well-loved. Read between the words of that sentence and you'll discover he gets a lot.

Lesser-Known Fact: Jacob receives color coordinated gifts for just about every holiday.

Here's the St. Patty's Day gift.
Here was his Valentine's day gift.

So who takes the time to wander aisle after aisle looking for the perfect items in the perfect color? One of the best, kindest, craziest and funniest ... (folks my birthday is round the corner I kinda gotta do this) people I know.

My sis. My BFF. We love you Meg!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Just Precious!

Look at this little boy.
It just doesn't get sweeter then this! (but then again, I am his mother.)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Heart Doctor Day

I am so happy to say that Jake's heart looks great. We went to the heart doctor this morning instead of last week because of my man's work schedule. (I just refuse to go to the heart doctor by myself. )

The echocardiogram looked good this morning and "perfect" was how the doc described his EKG.

My baby with a good-looking heart.... I just love it.

Thank you Lord the sweet blessings of a good report.

Thank you everyone for your prayers and your questions of "How's he doing?"

I'm happy to say..when it comes to his heart... he's doing great!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Do You Trust Me?

So this is a post that's been sitting on my heart for about a week now.

Of course it revolves around Jake. (just so you know his heart appointment is now Monday so it's not heart related)

I am glad that I waited a week to write because I'm where I need to be with the issue. Not ranting and raving or being a big baby.

I have felt this frustration/fear of Jake and his speech. Jake doesn't really talk. I hear things like mama, dada and bye.(I think) But nothing consistent and nothing unless he really, really, really, really wants to.

You all probably have felt a fear bubble before. It starts in your stomach and moves to your head. There's pressure, but thankfully no gas. (ha!)

So I'll just say it. I have been living in fear of Jake not talking. I have been struggling because I've been "mooing" at this child for a year without the first "moo" back. That's frustrating.
I have labeled, I have read... I am tired. I want progress.

So earlier this week. I got on the floor and devoted my entire prayer time to Jake and his speech. I prayed with all my might. I thanked God for giving Jake to me. I praised him for Him being the only one in this family that knows what He's doing. Then... I went quiet. I listened. I just knew he would give me direction. I was kinda scared because what if he told me Jake would communicate differently then others. But I pressed on determined that fear wouldn't hold me back. I heard..nothing.

So the next day... I did it again. I said "Lord, whatever you have for Jake clue me in. Is he gonna talk... or not?" My mouth said..." If he does... praise you. If he doesn't... praise you! " But my heart was fearful. I waited again.. nothing.

Then I turned on the TV. Oprah. Robert Ebert was on. A man who doesn't talk. Was this my answer? I took it as one. I set there not wanting to accept it....but I took a deep breath... said Ok.. and moved forward with a new determination.
But the story doesn't end there. This morning, I got up thinking about the past few days. What I thought was probably my answer and the Lord, in is ever loving and gentle ways....hit me.
In the gut. I heard...."Do you trust me?"

"Why.. yes Lord. You know I do. We've gotten this far? I trust you." I felt relief. I felt peace. I felt...joy.
I felt like my answer was not a yes or a no...it was... be patient.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your understandings.
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6

So here's where I am. I trust the Lord if I get a yes or a no. Instead of being on edge straining to hear those words from Jake's month. I lean on God's word.

I want so much for my son. I pray God does a mighty work in him. It's all for his God's glory whether he talks or not. Praise Him with me... Praise him for sending one for very special boy my way.

Can I get an Amen??!!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Techie Toddler

Are you tired of looking at pickles? I am. So I'll just show you what you really want to see... Jacob.

My son loves anything electronic. Computers, DVD players, gaming systems... and here lately my iPod touch.

He knows how to turn it on, unlock it and find the episode of Sesame Street .

This week he figured out the ear buds. I found him in his own little utopia.
A show, a snack and Elmo.

(disclaimer: don't worry, we don't normally let our 2 year old use earbuds. )