Thursday, May 27, 2010

And the winner is...

Jake is an over-acheiver. He's only 2 and a half and already has his first gold medal! (ha!)
I just love that picture above ... he has the sweetest look on his face.
His gold medal came from a little school fundraiser this week. It was hot. I was tired... so I sent Daddy David on the race around the circle with the other kiddos.
And off they gooooooo...

Jake coulda cared less about running but instead did the shuffle. It was quite entertaining.
After the race we hung around long enough to snap a picture with his teachers and then it was home to the Hill.

Oh yeah, did I mention my son was a gold medalist? ( oh i did..didn't I.)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Spring Math

Here's a little Jenny math for you.

May+Birthday+Hometown= Dayton's Strawberry Festival.

I go every year. (I've only missed two or three) There's a parade, a carnival and lots of lots of Strawberries. I've decided it smells a lot better then the local Mule Day event. (although I enjoy me some mules too)

So let's play a little picture game called Jenny or David. I'll show you a picture from the parade and you guess who took it? (you'll see why we're playing it shortly)

OK. Picture #1:
Answer: Jenny

Answer: Yep, David

Picture #3:
Answer: I took that one of my parade crew.

Picture #4

Answer: On yeah...that's from Dave

And one final picture. It's my favorite.

Till next year. Remember, May= Strawberries!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Age Bowling

Age Bowling? Yep, age bowling. Ever heard of it? It's an instant White family classic.

You see Dave and I made age bowling history tonight. I think we could be in the Guinness World Book of records as the first ones to ever play it.

It's bowling and since we were celebrating my birthday... I decided the goal of the game was to bowl my age. (HAAAAA!) Yes, I wanted to score a 33. In 10 frames.

The rules included no intentional gutterballs but my competitive side came out and the score ruled my actions.

And the winner is....

Drumroll please........dadadadadadadadada

Dave!! He came the closest. I blew it in the 8th frame. When I asked Dave for a winning soundbite he said: " I've never tried so hard to do so bad."

That about sums it up.

Here's the part you all want to see... Jake went bowling as well.
At first he was happy.. and I mean happy to sit and watch.

Then it was his turn.

He'd roll the it about halfway.... and then

Happy Birthday week to me!

A fun weekend... (which I'll share later)... a great night and more to come.
I am forever a blessed Birthday girl!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

We're Still Here.

So what have you been up to? It's been a while since I've posted so let's catch up.

Since our anniversary, Nashville had incredible flooding, we celebrated mother's day and I discovered that I really don't like Vanderbilt baseball.

Which one do want to hear about? Let's avoid controversy and go with mother's day.
The only problem... no pictures. We headed east to see our moms but the camera stayed in the mid-state. So that's that.

As for flooding.... it's the reason why I don't like Vandy baseball. The Saturday that a building went floating down interstate 24, my hubby was stuck working a game. Seriously, they would not call the game even though half the city was under water. It was ridiculous and totally irresponsible. Dave made it home around one in the morning.

So, I've saved the best for last.. Jacob.
He's doing well. Moving faster and with more confidence. He's eating alright and his speech is...well.... not there. He communicates but not with words. Please pray for my little man. I have full confidence he will do it. Just pray for things to start clicking.

I'll leave ya with a couple of my favorite pictures taken recently. Thanks for loving my boy... just the way he is.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Tradition with a Twist.

Ahhh.... anniversaries.

They make me reminiscent and somewhat mushy. Dave and I celebrated the big 1-0 this past week. Can't believe it but my man and I have been married for a decade.

So how did we celebrate? Well.... it was somewhat odd but a whole lot of fun.

First, I have to tell you a story about a little tradition we have. You see, we went to St. Thomas for our honeymoon. Then, for our fifth anniversary we went back and stayed in St. John.
So for the big tenth we wanted to visit our special St. Thomas but work schedule and financial flow just did not let us.

But in effort to keep the tradition alive... we went here.

Yep, we can now say we went to St. Thomas for our anniversary and had a nice dinner.

How funny is that! We laughed through our meal of pizza and chicken fingers.
After we ate we got all fired up. Maybe I should say we went to All Fired know, the pottery place.
Jake and I worked on this cute little anniversary mug. (you can see he was less then thrilled)
Dave made... well he took the Michelangelo approach. Look at him, he think's he's soooo cute.

I think it's supposed to be a coffee mug.
We topped the night off with a crazy dessert from Jackson's. If you ever have a chance to try the cookie dough eggrolls.... it's an experiance.
So there you go. Ten years.... that's crazy. I love ya Dave. You're my rock. Happy Anniversary.