Monday, July 21, 2008

King of Cuteness

This post is mainly for one person...and you know who you are. (Her name starts with Meg and ends with an)
She is demanding more pictures of my cutie-pie.
So my Knoxville princess...heeeeeere's Jake!!

This is what we've been up to...playing with our new toy. We ride up the street and down the street.  In the kitchen and out of the living room.  Up to the barn and down to the house.  Jake's favorite game right now is to chase Riley in his car. The dog barks...and Jacob laughs. (and he looks so good doing it) 

We don't take a single smile for granted in this house because it took a long time for us to get our first smile. So, this picture is one of those I can't get enough of. I thought you might enjoy it to.

One quick note from last week. I finally called the doctor after never hearing test results from the ultrasound on his kidneys. Everything is fine. Whoooo-hooo!!


meg said...

Finally! He's too cute in his car. Keep the pics coming, better yet, come see me. Kiss my baby for me. Love ya.

Anonymous said...

Oh Jen The pic of Jake smiling just grabbed me! We have a pic of David almost identical! It just brought tears to my eyes.
Kiss him hug him and love him for me. Love you all Mammy