Monday, July 7, 2008

Fourth With The Fam!!

We spent our long fourth of July weekend here.

Isn't it Bee-U-Tee-Ful!!
It's an area near my in-law's house. There was a big family reunion for a limb on Dave's side of the family tree.
I didn't know a lot of people but we had a great time. We played games like the shoe toss..yep you just flick the ol'shoe off your foot as far as you can. It's really lots of fun when you have about 25 people all standing in a row. Needless to say the Old Navy flip flops don't go very far.
Dave's Uncle Carlos also brought up an old corn grist mill and made fresh corn meal for everyone.

It was genuine and pure. I loved it.
The reunion was Thursday through Saturday.
We actually spent the fourth with some of my family members. That's where this great action shot was taken.
Yep...that's spit-up on my arm.
Jake let it flow just as the picture was taken.
Is it gross? Yeah.
Am I use to it? Yeah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jen I got green beans the day before but not quite that amount!!!
We had a great time didn't we, spit up and all!