Thursday, June 12, 2008

Achy-Breaky Kind Of Day

Ok my friends... your gonna laugh at this one.  The title of this post has two meanings.
 The first achy-breaky happening entitled a trip to Jake's doctor. I'm humilated I even went but the nurse told me to. All I did was cut his thumb while trimming his nail. Now, I'm not a mom that freaks out at the smallest things... buy IT WOULDN'T STOP BLEEDING!!! After thirty minutes I finally called the nurse and she said bring him on. So I hurried out of the house forgetting my list of things to do and guess what happened next???. IT STOPPED BLEEDING. So I walk into the pediatrician's office with a kid whose not bleeding anymore and who's actually asleep. HOW HUMILATING!!! 
So I figure while I'm out and about I might as well shop... I mean who wants to waste gas and just go home. During my little trip to the mall I had my second achy-breaky encounter for the day.
I saw the former mullet master himself...

Yep Miley's Dad and Mom were out hand in hand shopping for sunglasses. How do I know...well I kinda...sorta...not really... followed them. Yep Billy Ray likes to look at cheap sunglasses at a mall kiosk. He also stopped at the sunglass hut. Who knew...


Our Family said...

Super fun celebrity sighting! And we all have those not so cool mom moments when we take them and thankfully there is absolutely NOTHING wrong!! No big deal!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Tiffany Lankford

Unknown said...

Does Billy Ray know he has a stalker...?