Monday, June 30, 2008

Vacation Wrap-Up

I didn't get to write much while we were on vacation because of internet issues.
 So here's the wrap-up:

1) Jake loved the pool and the beach.

2) We ate waaaaay toooo much!!!

3) Jake got to play with his Great Uncle Jerry (who he loves) and met his Great Aunt Deb for the first time. ( He told me that he thoroughly enjoyed it.)

4) Going home time came waaaay tooo soon!

Here's a couple of cute pictures I haven't shown you yet.

One side story... Jake was teething all week long. Not one...but two teeth are coming in. Dave and I spent several nights on vacation driving around trying to get him to sleep.  I know our little Florida neighborhood by memory.
Also we joined the matchy-matchy crowd and took pictures on the beach one night.

So... who's ready to go back to the beach??? ME!!!


Heart Matters

Hey everyone... just wanted to let you know we went to Jake's heart doctor today.
The good news is..nothing has changed. Of course we're asking for a miracle and would love to hear his heart looks healthy... but the next best thing is no change.
We'll go back in a  month for another look.  Just so I'm clear...I praise the Lord for today's report.
I feel like I can breathe again... at least for another month.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Jake at the Beach

No we haven't fallen off the face of the earth.... we're just having wi-fi issues while on vacation.
Since a picture says a thousand words... I'll keep it short and let the pictures do the talking.

p.s. Another reason for keeping it short... Dave is watching me type and saying every word... annoying!!! (but cute)


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

We Have A Plan

 Our meeting went well with Tennessee Early Intervention yesterday morning.
To make a long meeting short... Jake will undergo a physical therapy assessment and a occupational therapy assessment.
 Although his fine motor skills were initially rated as good...I still want an occupational therapist to take a look at him... just to be proactive. My goal now is not to fall any further behind.
  I know he will start PT soon because he's still weak in his upper body. He's not rolling over yet... but he's so close
Also.. an early intervention teacher will stop by once a week to help out. This is not just for him.. but also to help me. I want to make sure I know how to work with Jake so that he keeps on learning.
 So that's it... we'll set up the assessments and get going.  
And for my' a new picture from the pool the other day.
 Just consider it your daily dose of cuteness.

Live from the White House...I'm skipping out!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

First Father's Day

I'm doing one of things I used to do when I wrote for a living. I'll start...get a few words...and even a few sentences written...and just delete it. My minds says nope...that's not it.. you can do better.
 See today I want to get it right. I want everyone to know just how special this first Father's Day is.
It took my man and I a long time to get little Jacob here and you all know what's it been like since his arrival. Today I get to celebrate my man being a daddy. And ya'll he's so good at it. I am truly blessed to have some such a kind man in my life... a man who gave me a little boy who is teaching me about living and how strong my faith really is.   I love you Dave-o!
  OK...enough with the mushy stuff... here comes Sir Royal Cuteness....
After church and lunch out...we took Jake to the pool for the first time today... kinda a test run before our vacation. He did so well.  Just see for yourself...(the video is not from my video camera... but my camera-camera so it's not very good)
Gosh... I Love that little boy.
Happy Father's Day to my two Dads.. the one who raised me... and the one who raised my hubby. Thanks for being there. I can hear my Dad responding right now..." I'm just trying to be a blessing." (hee-hee)
So I've got two prayer request this week. 
First, we're meeting with our case worker from Tennessee Early Intervention in the morning. 
We're  setting up a plan for Jake.. ya know like..physical therapy...occupational therapy.
It's new territory for me so just pray that I ask for the right things.
Second... my...blasted... knee!!!  I'm gonna have to go to the doctor because it hurts and it swells. The only experience I've have with knee issues is when Dave went because he had similar issues and came out with surgery scheduled. So of course... I'm fearing the worse.
 Hopefully it's just my mind getting the best of me. 
Live from the White House... I'm signing out!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Achy-Breaky Kind Of Day

Ok my friends... your gonna laugh at this one.  The title of this post has two meanings.
 The first achy-breaky happening entitled a trip to Jake's doctor. I'm humilated I even went but the nurse told me to. All I did was cut his thumb while trimming his nail. Now, I'm not a mom that freaks out at the smallest things... buy IT WOULDN'T STOP BLEEDING!!! After thirty minutes I finally called the nurse and she said bring him on. So I hurried out of the house forgetting my list of things to do and guess what happened next???. IT STOPPED BLEEDING. So I walk into the pediatrician's office with a kid whose not bleeding anymore and who's actually asleep. HOW HUMILATING!!! 
So I figure while I'm out and about I might as well shop... I mean who wants to waste gas and just go home. During my little trip to the mall I had my second achy-breaky encounter for the day.
I saw the former mullet master himself...

Yep Miley's Dad and Mom were out hand in hand shopping for sunglasses. How do I know...well I kinda...sorta...not really... followed them. Yep Billy Ray likes to look at cheap sunglasses at a mall kiosk. He also stopped at the sunglass hut. Who knew...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Jake's average when it comes to motor skills, communication and three other categories that I can't remember right now.
 He recently underwent an assessment by the Tennessee Early Intervention program. Today his case worker called with the results. Even though I know he's behind in some things I like to believe he's not THAT far behind. 
  Still, we will start physical therapy soon which I'm happy about. It makes me feel like I'm doing something that's helping him.
 Sorry I haven't written a whole lot lately. There's just not a whole lot going on.
To sum up the past week... my parents and sister came for a visit. They were a huge help with the baby shower I threw. (THANKS GUYS!) 
Oh...I almost forgot. We had some new pictures taken of Jake.  It didn't go to well because he didn't get to finish his nap... but we got a few good ones.

One last little thing.. Sometimes the thought of what  is ahead for our little boy is overwhelming. Thank you everyone so much for your kind words and your prayers.
 I can't tell you how much they help. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Odds N' Ends

Not a whole lot going on this week.  I'm mainly just doing stuff to get ready for a baby shower I'm throwing this weekend.
 We also booked our family vacation this week. WHOOOO-HOOO!!! Jake's  heart doctor gave us the thumbs up to go in June. So we found a place quickly and booked it. We take an annual trip with my family and I CAN'T WAIT!!!
  Things have been hectic since Jake arrived and I'm ready to get away.

 Jacob's personality is showing itself more and more these days.
Here he is showing off his cuteness in a hat made by his great-grandma.

Other things about him that make me laugh:

1) He HATES "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star". Everytime it comes on his video he starts whining. I just keep the remote handy so we can skip over it.

2) He'd rather play with a bib or burp cloth then a toy.  He eats them, waves them and loves to put them on his face. I don't get it but it sure makes him happy.

3) Jake is a UT fan already. I can sing Rocky Top to him and he usually smiles.  I can't wait till football season.
Just wanted to share some of the every day things that make him so sweet!!!