Tuesday, April 6, 2010

hello drama. please go away.

I am typing with one finger and while holding a sleeping Jake. My boy is having a crazy reaction to his antibiotic. This morning he hived out and his joints swelled. There is not one ounce of enjoyment in that...at all..for anyone. Very scary actually to see your boy hurt to walk. The doc and I doubled checked to see if this is some sort of williams syndrome thing. (you just never know) She decided it was just a reaction. He is on new medicine and hopefully will feel much better soon. Please pray that he does.
So because I am trying to be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer..(and because my finger is starting to cramp) lets end on a lovely note. Here is sweet pics of my boy from Easter. Aunt easter bunny was way better to him then mamma easter bunny.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear Jake is under the weather. We had the same scare last week with our little boy. He woke up covered in huge places larger than a quarter. Our ped doc sent us to the ER at Children's just to check. They thought it might be something called HSV but thank goodness it was only an allergic reaction. It made our little man feel horrible. After 3 days they gave him a steroid and it made all the difference. By the way you don't know me but my name is Shannon Mayes. I am friends with Kelly Harrell and I started following your blog a while back. I will be praying for a speedy recovery for your little one.

Jenny Ann said...

Thanks, Shannon. It's good to know my Jakey is not the only one who likes to give his mom a scare.