Oh Predators! Oh Predators!
You had it. You did. You'd won.
I was happy. I was joyful.
I was jumping.. so much fun!
The final seconds ticked on by,
I got ready for my victory cheer,
15...14... 13-point five....
Oh. My. Goodness. It was my worst fear.
How could you? How could you,
give up a goal while on a power play?
Now the game would go to overtime,
but it would not go your way.
Oh Predators. My Predators.
You lost and ruined my day.
I had to go to Target and shop
to keep the blues away.
So Monday night you'll play again,
I'll be there to cheer you on.
But boys, seriously... two wins in a row?
You HAVE to get this job done.
Oh Predators. Mighty Predators.
Play hard. Play strong. Stand tall!
For if you don't, I'm afraid to say,
I might just head to the mall!