Tuesday, April 27, 2010

That is That.

Yep. The Preds didn't win.

Yep. The season is over.

Yep. It was fun.

Yep. I was sad.

Yep. I went shopping today.

Yep. There was a man sitting at the dinner table tonight.

Nope. Not sad anymore.

That is that.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

My Ode To The Predators: Game 5

Oh Predators! Oh Predators!
You had it. You did. You'd won.
I was happy. I was joyful.
I was jumping.. so much fun!

The final seconds ticked on by,
I got ready for my victory cheer,
15...14... 13-point five....
Oh. My. Goodness. It was my worst fear.

How could you? How could you,
give up a goal while on a power play?
Now the game would go to overtime,
but it would not go your way.

Oh Predators. My Predators.
You lost and ruined my day.
I had to go to Target and shop
to keep the blues away.

So Monday night you'll play again,
I'll be there to cheer you on.
But boys, seriously... two wins in a row?
You HAVE to get this job done.

Oh Predators. Mighty Predators.
Play hard. Play strong. Stand tall!
For if you don't, I'm afraid to say,
I might just head to the mall!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

These Shoes Were Made For Walkin' (inside)

I don't know about you... but I only have few things I baby. You know, those things you would grab in a fire. Those things you really cherish.
For example, my pink blanket. It's grandmother made, heavy, soft and better then cold swiss roll with a glass of milk. (and that is saying alot.) It has seen me through high school, college, marriage and motherhood.
Yes, I am a 30-sumpin who has a blankie .
Well pink blanket....meet the new kid of the block.

My running shoes.

Aren't they pretty? Believe you me when I say running shoes you can think about me running miles and miles and miles. Go ahead. Think it. The truth. Two miles and I'm good. Really.
I've had them for months and I looooove these shoes. For that reason I don't wear them outside. They are not mall shoes, Target shoes or even grocery store shoes. They are gym shoes.
You're wondering why I'm rambling about about my shoes? I'll tell you. Saturday I broke my own rules and wore them. (gulp) OUTSIDE!!

I did it for this gal. The adorable red head there on the left. That's Mel.

She and her sister are pretty much my childhood. Mel was recently diagnosed with MS. That's the bad news. The good news... it's not gonna stop that girl one bit. I love her spunk.
Saturday was the MS walk in Chattanooga so I pulled out the good shoes for the occasion. The problem is... I spent more time trying to convince people I didn't go out t0 buy new shoes for the walk then anything else. I kept saying... these are my inside shoes. (What a dork!)
So let's wrap it up! Two points from the post.

1) I love ya Mel!

2) The inside shoes may need to be slowly introduced to the outside. (maybe?)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

A First for the Season

In an effort to increase family time in daddy's hectic schedule, I planned a picnic and play night on Tuesday.
I decided not to care if we ate late or if Jake went to bed late or if the park closed before we even got there. (daddy gets home a little late)
Let me take a moment to brag. Jake did some jaw-dropping things on the playground. My baby climbed this ladder all by himself.

He went down every slide and looked like a little boy should when leaving the park.

Speaking of Daddy's hectic schedule. The Preds are in the playoffs. The first game Friday night in Chicago. Go Predators!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Ending is Best.

So..... sometimes I log onto this little blog of mine and just start writing. Thoughts flit across my noggin. Some serious. Some worth a chuckle. I have to decide...what's it gonna be?

Today, let's go with a chuckle. (right now my sister just let out a sigh of relief. )

I woke up around 1:30 last night and realized the hubby wasn't in bed anymore. Instead of making the trek downstairs I decided to text him. That's right... text. From one floor to the other. Can't decide if that's lazy or smart. My man keeps his phone on the nightstand so I rolled over to see if he had it with him. As I'm trying to locate his phone I hear him coming up the stairs.
Now, normal people would just let the other come in the room, talk about why they're both awake and go back to sleep. We, are not normal. I decide I'm gonna get him good. (and I did)
I flop quickly to my side of the bed and pretend I'm still asleep. (flop..not an attractive way to describe myself..how about gracefully moved with exact unparalalled accuracy)
ANYWAY... so now I'm lying there playing possum when he comes in the room. The only problem, I'm still holding my phone and it's glowing. Rats.
He walks over to me and takes the phone out my hand and that's when I spring into action. Not only did I screech, I sat straight up. That boy jumped like nothing I've ever seen before.
Now here's the good part. The part I couldn't of planned.

What I didn't know, is that he'd just finish watching Fatal Attraction. I pulled a Glenn Close on him and didn't even know it.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Our Summer Home

Our summer home happens to be behind our winter home. It's small but very open. It's got two very distinct architectural details....a slide and a swing. And did I mention it's situated perfectly underneath our neighbor's willow tree? Add it all up and you have one very happy little boy.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

hello drama. please go away.

I am typing with one finger and while holding a sleeping Jake. My boy is having a crazy reaction to his antibiotic. This morning he hived out and his joints swelled. There is not one ounce of enjoyment in that...at all..for anyone. Very scary actually to see your boy hurt to walk. The doc and I doubled checked to see if this is some sort of williams syndrome thing. (you just never know) She decided it was just a reaction. He is on new medicine and hopefully will feel much better soon. Please pray that he does.
So because I am trying to be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer..(and because my finger is starting to cramp) lets end on a lovely note. Here is sweet pics of my boy from Easter. Aunt easter bunny was way better to him then mamma easter bunny.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Show Off

March....hmmm... let's see. It was crazy. Lots of workin' for my man. Lots of time alone with the wee one for me.
Soo... when Dave's work slowed down he came to me and said, "Woman, I'm taking you out!"
Well, he didn't really say it that way. Instead it was, "I'm calling your sister. She'll babysit and I'll take you to dinner and that new Nicholas Sparks movie." WHAT!! Ya'll my man has never volunteered to take me to romantic movie. Yeah, he's the best.
So we got dressed up... ooo-la-la... and headed out. But, before you think this post is about me, take a look at my picture... and then take a look a look at what my little show-off was doing while we were cheesin'.
Ok first... us.
Now... Jake.
HILARIOUS! He was rubbing snot all over the door. (which makes me laugh out loud just writing that.)
Look at this other pose. For some reason me thinks he likes attention.
Good Friday was such a great day. I truly cannot express how blessed I feel. I have a great big God that does great big things for little ole me. I have a husband who loves my great big God and loves me. I have a son that is the best thing that ever happened to me and the rest of my family... well.. they're alright too. Praise you Lord!
Happy Easter Everyone!!!!