Monday, January 5, 2009

Oh So Much to Tell You. Numero Dos.

So 2009, huh? Interesting.

Is there anyone else who can't believe it's already 2009?
I can still remember sitting at work at midnight on Y2K.  I was working overnights then and expecting the world to fall apart. 

Our New Years eve was very interesting. I spent most of the night with my stomach in knots. I was  on edge about the fireworks waking up Jake. I seriously wanted to run out the door and threaten some kids to the point they wouldn't even think about setting another whizzing, popping, exploding  fireball soaring near our house.
 But as usual the calm, easy going Dave reminded me it WAS a time to celebrate.

So I have some resolutions... but I'm keeping them to myself.
Don't want you all to know when I don't keep them. 

But I have to say 2008 will never, NEVER be forgotten.
Here's my kid looking at you and 2009. (Get it...kinda like "Here's looking at you kid"..but not)

Next: Part Three of my catching up blog which will be titled Jake's new tricks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is too stinkin' cute--what a dollbaby he is. Give hin a hug and kiss from his Gramma Revis.
Love you all!