While Dave-o was out camping and fishing with "the boys" I left Jacob with my parents and Meg and I headed to Atlanta for a marathon shopping day.
We hit an outlet mall...IKEA and Atlantic Station all in one day.
That was Saturday. Sunday was church, lunch with Dave's parents and then...a little fall fun.
Since we were in good' ole Rhea county we headed up the mountain to Wooden's Apple Farm.
Pops wanted to buy Jake his first pumpkin.
I do have pictures from Dave's camping trip. My fly fisherman was on cloud nine Sunday. He had such a good time that he was still smiling Monday night.
Oh look...here's my cute fisherman now.
Here's one of the many trout he caught...
So real quick....let me tell you about this week for Jake.
Monday he had a feeding assessment at Vanderbilt. He's eleven months and still can not eat a puff, a cheerio or cracker.
The feeding specialist believes he just hasn't figured out how to chew.
Did you know chewing is not instinctual? She gave us homework and we go back in a month.
Today he has a visit by his early intervention teacher, therapy and a consult with a oral surgeon to fix his tongue. (since he's tongue tied.. something the feeding specialist says is affecting his eating)
Wednesday and Thursday he has therapy and then we're getting ready to go out of town for a while.
This little boy keeps a full calendar.
Are you sure it's not Friday yet?
Not enough options here.
Shop, Fish, Watch T.V. , sit on the porch.....................
All fun things to do.
I think Gramma and Pops had the best weekend of all--spending time with Jacob tops it all!!lsficmce
Ok for a minute there Dave looked like Brad Pitt in the movie A River Runs Through It!
Hey Jen! Just checking in with the White fam!
I wish I could have gone to IKEA with you! You should check out my new Ikea cabinets a couple weeks back on my blog... I love that place! And I think of you everytime I go!
Jake looks like a little doll baby! Can't wait to see Halloween/1st birthday pics!
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