Monday, September 15, 2008

Too Stink'n HOT!!

  It's hard to believe on a day like today...temps in the low 70's...nice breeze....that Saturday was a sauna.
  We took Jacob to his first UT football game this past weekend. The weather just did not cooperate.
  It was so hot that I didn't take many pictures and the ones I do have aren't very good.
  Don't get me wrong we had a great time. 
  Since the game was so early we started tailgating by 10 a.m.
 Jake got to hang out with some of his cousins.

 Then... it was time to cheer on band as they marched to the stadium.

I promise we are not just standing in the street. The Pride of The Southland is actually coming up behind just can't see them. (YEP.. a whole band behind us and you can't see them. Hello? Jenny Craig.)
By this time Jake was hot and tired. The temp was in the 90's but the humidity was way up there.  
 We got to our seats and oh what a sight!!

 Last year I didn't make a single game because my doctor wouldn't let me go. It felt good to be back.
Although I was lovin' it... Jake had just had enough. He fell asleep in his daddy's lap.

It was just so hot that we didn't make it to halftime. I took Jake out and back to the shade about halfway through the second quarter. After stripping him down he was once again ready to play.

 We spent the rest of the game shopping in the bookstore and running around campus.
The final score... UT: 35  UAB: 3 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Jen, Jake will love theses pics when he gets older. It wasn't the perfect day but we do live in Tn. where the weather seems to never cooperate! OSU Stinks! Do I need to root for the Vols after all?
Your Mammy