Friday, September 19, 2008

So How's Your Week?

  Busy? Boring? Great? Bad?

  Mine has been a little of it all.
 We've had some ups and downs this week.  But once again... my Heavenly Father got us through it all.
The Good: 
  Jake is so close to crawling.
I completed a number of things on my to-do list.
  I also saved my 8 year-old fish from almost certain death. 
The Bad:
   Jake fell out of his stroller. (He's fine... I'm not)
    I ruined dinner one night. A so-called easy 30 minute meal.
    Jake's next heart appointment is looming. (Yuck feeling coming on..Philipians 4:6-7)

So here's my request. Please pray for my little boy. His heart appointment is just over a week away. It's the 29th at 10am.  To keep it short and simple... I get scared and need the what-ifs to stay away.  Pray for God to bless Jake's heart and mind.  To allow his heart to remain strong and perform a miracle in him. 

As always we remain "Joyful in Hope, Patient in Affliction, Faithful in Prayer" Romans 12:12

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jen, You have our prayers as always.
This looming heart issue is on all of our minds. We just have to pray he will be strong and get through it when the time comes.
He fell out of his stroller!? He's just a rollin and tumbling as Eric Clapton sings! Don't fret yourself.
Elizabeth walked right into the door jamb the other day with 5 adults present. We heard a thud and then waaaaaa! You can't keep them from every spill.
Now your fish! What happened?