Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Like Father, Like Son

I'm so excited to tell you about Jake's new love! It's great! So great, that I couldn't of picked a more perfect thing for my little man to attach to.

At this moment Jake is asleep, curled up with his...PREDATORS JERSEY!! HAA!!

Jake has had this jersey... well... his entire life.

(Do me a favor and sigh with me at the cuteness of my little man during year one of the jersey.)

Ok, back to my story.

The past couple of weeks Jake has been dragging this jersey out and pointing to the Predator symbol. I talk about the Preds and daddy and cheer them on in the middle of lunch or Mickey.

Jake has even found his Daddy's collection of Preds pullovers in the closet. He'll point them out to me and even play with them.

Tonight, I was folding his clothes and Jake spotted his jersey in the pile. So I slipped it over his pajamas and turned on the game. Man-o-man! That boy zoned in on some hockey!

Bedtime rolled around so I took the jersey off during the bedtime story. Not a good move momma! Jake pushed out of my lap, got the jersey and get this... walked over to the tv and turned the game back on. What a hoot!

For now forget football, basketball and even baseball. This family is raising a hockey fan!

I mean how perfect is that! His daddy will be so proud. (His momma is gonna have really push football in the fall)

Go Preds!


Jennifer said...

You said it Jenny, like father like son. It's amazing to see just how much Jake has grown. I love the pictures!


THATS MY BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!