Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Latest.

Hey all.

I just got off the phone with nurse who will be on Jacob's team in Michigan.
She talked to me about what to expect and the timing of everything.
Tuesday we'll be in pre-op stuff all day. Blood, chest x-ray, echocardiogram.
I guess the biggest info I learned is that Jake's surgery is scheduled for 7:30 am on Wednesday.
It should take 3 to 4 hours and then he'll be moved straight to the ICU.

I like talking to the people who do this stuff everyday. They calm my nerves. To them, it's just another day at work.

Changing subjects... sorta. T-shirt news.

For those of you who have ordered shirts and haven't gotten them yet. They're a'coming.
I picked up your shirts today. I'm meeting my sister in Cookeville tonight and we'll have a t-shirt organize-athon. (yeah... i made that up)

Bottom line, you'll be getting your shirts, by mail, by personal delivery or by one of my seriously attractive and smart elves.

If you don't have your shirt by Friday.... PLEASE LET ME KNOW! I so don't want anyone to be forgotten in the chaos.

So let's end on a great note. Here's a couple of cute pictures of my cutie-pie!

Friday, September 25, 2009

I'm a Happy Girl.

Why so happy you ask? Two reasons.

First, my boy got to play with the big kids. He bounced his little tush off at a picnic tonight.

Second, I got to eat tacos and queso dip and ... I'll stop there.

Let's just say I got to visit my favorite mexican restaurant on a rainy Friday night.

I'm sorry, but to me there's nothing cozier then a bowl of hot cheese and crisp chips on a wet, chilly evening.

So tonight I learned Life IS Good... as long as there are chips and cheese.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


It's late. Or early...depending on how you look at it.

Yeah... it's 2:15 in the morning. I can't sleep because I've got you guys on my mind.

I need to say something.

Thank You.

Two little words. Great big meaning.

Dave and I are so overwhelmed with everything you've done. You've bought t-shirts, you've prayed for us... your kids have prayed for us.

I mean... my goodness. We are so blessed.

So Thank You.

Dave put it best. "Jen, I feel like George at the end of "It's A Wonderful Life". Yep. That's it exactly.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Just a quick note to say I need your shirt orders in by Tuesday at 11am central.
You guys have been so good to us that I'm having to order more.


Everyone will have their shirts by October 7th. I promise.

This past week has been challenging. I lost my grandmother on Monday.

I have so much to say about my Ganny. That post will come once I get it right.

Thanks again for all your prayers.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Heart Surgery Fundraiser

Anyone wanna buy a T-shirt?

I'm raising money for our little adventure in Michigan for Jake's surgery. We have no idea how long we'll be up there. So we're preparing for anything between a week to a month.

A very crafty and brilliant friend of mine (I luv ya Beth) designed these adorable shirts.

They say Bless Jake's Heart on them along with a reference to one of my favorite Bible Verses.
I have prayed and recited Philippians 4:6-7 at least a thousand times since Jake was born.

Here's a closer look at them. The shirts are white... even though this picture looks a little blue.

So here's the details.

Cost: $15
Sizes: adult small through 2XL (i don't have any children's sizes..sorry)
Cash or Check only. Just make the checks out to me.

To order: Just leave me a comment on this page telling me what size you'd like. Also feel free to email me.
My email is jennyann.white@gmail.com

If you live out of town just email me your address and I'll ship it to you for free.

My goal is to have as many people as possible wear their shirts on October 7th. The day of Jacob's surgery.

As alway I ask that you pray for him daily. Getting as many people to pray for Jake is not only the best thing I can do for him... it's really all I can do.

Thank you so much!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Big Orange Post

I'm about a week late but here a few snapshots from our big orange adventure last weekend.
Of course I love Tennessee football. But what I like best about it is family. My aunts, uncles and cousins all get together and tailgate.
This is my favorite picture. Jake gettin' some lovin from his cousins. These kiddos love my little boy and it melts my heart. Just look at that look on Jake's face.

This year I didn't take Jake into the game. That was BIG mistake last year.
Instead he stayed with his grammy who fed him...orange food.

The food, the family, the fun....it all comes down to this.
It's football time in Tennessee!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

God's Blessings in a Chicken Nugget

Ok... so I sound crazy.

I know.

I'm pretty sure the 5 clerks and the dozen or so people who saw me in the mall tonight are sure that I am indeed a person who needs constant supervision.

A story so strange/crazy/hilarious, that when I told my personal doctor (my sister) on the way home tonight she sent me straight to the tub for a relaxing bath and then to bed.
She told me to take two scoops of ice cream and call her in the morning.

Let me back up a bit.

I consider myself a strong person. I handled breaking news for years, have heard heart-breaking news about my son, and have only cried maybe five minutes over my baby's upcoming heart surgery. My testimony is Praise God, Choose God... Let God.

So it's kinda unusual that the day had me in tears by 8:30 this morning.. and back in tears tonight. I would tell you everything but the story is just too long.

By the time Dave and I finally met up tonight (part of the long story) I was shaking, tense and crying.

But ah.... God is good.

He blessed me. Brought me to tears for a third time today in the middle of the mall food court. Good, happy... oh my goodness tears.


My son ate a chicken nugget.

Yep. Tears.

We struggle with feeding. Jake has low muscle tone in his jaws and chewing is not something he does on a regular basis.

But there he sat. Chewing the little bites I gave him.

It was a feeling of relief and of victory.

Victory that Jacob just might get past this issue. I might really get to order him a happy meal one day. But the bigger victory is a knowing that on a very bad, frustrating day... my God made sure it ended on a good note. He answered a prayer and once again let me know... He's got this. All of this. I'm so glad he does.

P.S. I planning on finding some peace in a Snickers tomorrow. Who's with me?