Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Tradition Continues.

I made it to another one. For many of my past 32 years I've spent one of my weekends in May at my hometown's Strawberry Festival.
I luv it. It's tradition. Fruit. Old Friends.
This year Dave's parent joined us for the parade. The rain held off and Jake spent quality time with both sets of grandparents.
I've gotten slack about not bringing my camera so there are not many pictures to show you.
But here's a few.

By the way.... I want to thank all of you for calling/texting me yesterday. I felt very much loved. You know who you are.


Anonymous said...

Oh my first Strawberry Festival Parade!! It was GREAT!
Jake was so good and as you can see he slept through half of it!
We kept looking to see if the bands and loud motors were disterbing him. Nope.
Jen I don't remember "Our # 1 is Your # 2" truck. Did you see it?
After the parade we all headed back to Pops' and Grammy's for a cook out. What a nice day.

Anonymous said...

It was a great weekend and I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did!!! We'll have to have another cookout during the summer. Give Jake a hug and kiss for me...love you all!

camille said...

Hi there,
Just wanted to introduce myself - I'm Camille and have a son Connor (3.5) with WS. I have a blog but it's private, but if you send me your email I'll send you an invite!
Thanks, Camille