Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Gotta go

 Can't stay long... I gotta go to Grandma's house.
 My mom's been busy packing and cleaning and just being busy.
But this is where I stay...

yep in the doorway. Cause you see I'm ready to go see my Gammy, Pops, Grandma and PawPaw..not to mention my Aunt Meg.
Oh wait...I need to go get something.

I needed to get my doggy Riley. I love him so much. He's still getting used to me but we make it work. 
I wish all of you a great Thanksgiving.  I may actually get some mashed potatoes this year.
By the way, keep me in your prayers.  I go back to the heart doctor on Monday.
Love you all,

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Your Reading What???

Forget Dr. Seuss and nursery rhymes, my boy is moving up to the classics.

Yep, he found Mama's book.
So here's a question. Is Steinbeck too much for a one year-old?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Team Jacob

So we're about a week away from the big eating day.
This time next week I'll be in my parents cozy den. A fire will be going in the fireplace and we'll all be burning up...except for my mom. 
I can't wait!!
 So, since it's that time of year... let me introduce you to some people I'm extremely thankful for.
First, meet Miss Sandra.

She is Jake's Physical Therapist. She's good...real good. She loves my little boy so much.
She's the one who got him to crawl and is now workin' on the  walkin'.
Right now we see her twice a week.

Second, meet Miss Brooke.
She does Jake's Occupational therapy every week.
She's had him in ball pits, tubs filled with beans, and even a laundry basket. She's got the hard task of getting him to clap, point, pull and poke.

Third, meet Miss Yolonda.
Doesn't she just ooze kindness?
 She's is Jake's TEIS services coordinator.
She's the one I call anytime I have problems or questions. 

There's one more person I want you to meet on Team Jake. Since I didn't get her picture today... I'll save  the introduction for later. It truly is best...because she's extra-special.

So..that's Jake's "A" team. The Lord has blessed both Jake and I by putting them in our lives.

Monday, November 17, 2008


We've reached another milestone this week.
Today Jakey got his first haircut.
So here's the before:

  A few whines and fussin' but I gave him my keys and he was fine.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

New Things

So Jakey's been doing a lot of new things lately.
Here's one of them:

He just loves to sleep on his tummy with his knees underneath him. 
It's adorable to see...but not so cute to live with. 
He tends to wake himself up trying to get comfortable and since we can't let him's kinda hard.
Another change... we've said bye-bye to the bottle.
I now have a sippy-cup boy. (This I LOVE!!)
And speaking of bye-bye. My boy has actually started waving and saying something that kinda resembles Hi!
He continues to turn my world... well you know.


Friday, November 14, 2008

Light It Up!!

    No...not a smoke...but the Christmas lights at the Opryland Hotel. ( At work the hotel always made us refer to them as the Gaylord Opryland Hotel and Resort...I feel like a rebel not doing that now.)

 I called Dave yesterday afternoon and told him I was picking him up from work and we were headed out to see the lighting ceremony.  The only problem...traffic was horrible...Jake was crying for some milk and of course we had to park a mile away.
 So..... we missed the ceremony but started a new family tradition.
Our camera was acting funky so look past the haze.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Little Laugh

It's been a crazy week around here. 
Jake had three appointments Tuesday. He went for his one year check-up, went to therapy and then to Vanderbilt for a feeding appointment.
Everything went well. He weighed in at a whopping 26 pounds and is 31 and a half inches tall.
He's getting better with learning to chew but it's just gonna take time.
So after running around for eight hours we got home exhausted... and then it all went down hill.
 Jake had a horrible night...woke up crying 5 times...had a hard time sleeping and woke up this morning with snot running down his face. He's sick. Running a fever and just grouchy.
I know it's probably the shots...but it's just no fun for him. He got approved for that RSV shot and I think that's the one that made him sick.
So with all this going on... God knew I need a little laugh today.
 Here's how HE did it:

 This morning the doorbell rings. I roll my eyes because it caused my dog to go crazy and I was in no shape to answer the door. I go anyway thinking it's my friend that didn't my message not to drop by. Instead, it's a neighborhood lady who informs me I've won yard of the month for my neighborhood. ME!!! YARD OF THE MONTH!!
Just picture it- me standing there with my curly hair still in it's morning glory, Jake with breakfast on his shirt and snot running down his nose accepting the award.

Now ya'll this is funny. We just mowed our yard after about two weeks of nothin'.  Just four or so months ago we got in trouble for our grass being too high. (It was right after Jake's diagnosis and we just shut down for a while)
 So here's my acceptance speech. 
"Thank you weeds for staying under control this weekend. Thank you Dad for mowing my yard Saturday while I ran from Madison to Murfreesboro to Nashville...and buying my$25 mulch and my 79 cent pansies that were on clearance at Lowe's.
You made this all possible. You are the wind beneath my wings."
Dad and I laughed till there were tears in our eyes when I called him today.
So you see this thought of me...the yard of the month winner has made me laugh even while my child sniffles and my dog barks. 
You know if God can allow me to win Yard of the Month... He truly can do anything.

(sorry no pictures of my awesome yard today)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Jacob's Big Birthday Show

 Dave just sent this too me. 
 It's the video we put together for his party.
 Hope you enjoy our look back.



Saturday, November 1, 2008

Here He Is...

For Halloween, Jakey was  the cutest clown I've ever seen... I know you agree.

Seriously...he's cute..i mean make-my-heart-melt-buy-you-what-ever-you-want-cute.
We drove him around the neighborhood in his little car.

I think he enjoyed that more then anything.
 I enjoyed his candy.

Earlier in the day his Aunt Megan (the greatest in the world) brought him a present. In Aunt Megan's world, there's always a reason for a present. This summer he even got an Olympic's gift. Yes, it was sports theme... and yes it was awesome.
 Yesterday.. the package was covered with frankenstein. 

Hope you all had a great night.