Friday, November 5, 2010

Oh MY!

Has it really been a month since I last posted something?!!

Yes, I believe it has.

October was well.... busy.

Lots to catch up on like the fact that my boy turned 3!

For now here's some pictures from Halloween.

We went as a toy story family.

There's Buzz...

And Woody and Jesse.

Jake had a great time. He'd walk down the street swinging his bag of candy. (he doesn't even eat it for goodness sake but he loved carrying it)

I love my neighborhood because of things like this.

Yes, every year this couple drives the neighborhood kids around in a cage. That totally sounds illegal but they have so much fun. At this point they were just getting started but 5 minutes later that cage was full.

Sooo, that's it. My first post in forever...that wasn't so bad.

Here's a couple more cute pics of my Buzz. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Yea!!!! pictures. Jake is an absolutely adorable Buzz. Glad you're back to blogging..I've missed the pics and the updates. Give Jake a hug for me!!!

Anonymous said...

love it!! all three of you looked adorable!!


Anonymous said...

Yes Jen you did it again!
I really can't figure out which of the three of you is the cutest!!!!!
The "Cage" is a little scary. But you know those Middle Tenn. Folks!
Thanks for the pics.
Love ya