Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What Are You Praying For?

New year. New Goals. New Hopes.

I can't exactly say that 2-thousand-nine was a great year. Don't get me wrong I am not complaining. Everything my family went through sent us in all kinds of directions. Up. Down. High. Low... but most importantly closer to my friend, my savior, my sweet, loving heavenly Father.
Within a period of about four or five months I lost my canine buddy, then my grandmother and then this...

But 2009 also brought us the blessings of this. Your support still blows us away.

So I'm praying for... well to be honest, I'm praying for lots of laughter, happiness and a good simple year.
I would like to float down the lazy river for awhile instead of always being on the rapids.
But, I want God's perfect plan for me and I'm starting to finally get that he knows my secret. I'm an adrenaline junkie.

I pray for His will to be done in my life. I pray for my heart, my mind and my feet to move in only the directions He wants me to go.
And of course, I pray for my sweet Jake. I pray his heart stays strong and his mind gets even stronger. I pray he starts talking and that he will eat eggs.
But most of all I pray that Dave and I always embrace the opportunities God has given us with Jake and that everyone sees that we are truly blessed in ways we never imagined.


Maggie Ray said...

Hi I work with Megan. My name is Maggie. Megan said you were thinking of stopping blogging. I just want to let you know I really enjoy reading your storys. I love that you give God credit ans lean on Him. I also watching Jake grow. Thanks for the time you spend on this.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Jenny DON"T STOP!!!!!