Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Do you hear that?

Somebody just shut my mouth. Just about 2 weeks ago I was bragging about how I've made it through the winter without getting sick. Guess what I've been the past week? ....SICK!!

It started with Jake. Can I blame it on him? He came down with the gross. It doesn't need explaining because it's gross. He did have a double ear infection as well.

Then I came down with strep throat a couple days later... then a couple days after that I got squeaky. No voice. All squeak.
But the worst was my ears, which brings me to the "do you hear that?" story.

So I went to my doctor and squeaked out my symptoms. I've determined that a 5-foot-10 woman with a little bitty voice is not attractive at all. Especially in sick mode. Glasses. No makeup. Sweats.

So the doc does the normal stuff. Then without saying anything goes behind me and starts whispering. I hear whispered..."what's your name?" Well at this point he's caught me completely off guard. I'm thinking..whatta mean what's my name? You know me! Why are you whispering?
But instead of saying my name or even better thinking fast enough to get what's going on, I fumbled out a big fat.... "HUH?"
It was funny. Bless the doctors heart... he had to tell me " Do you hear that? I'm doing a whisper test."
Yep... I get it. Now. :)


Anonymous said...

That is HILARIOUS!!! Not the sick part, but the whisper test part! It is definitely good to click on your blog and see something besides burnt macaroni!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Whisper Test!!!
Did you whisper to the Doctor "Hear This I'm Sick!
Oh yea that's why I'm here, don't tell anyone!!!!
Love ya Hun