Tuesday, August 10, 2010

me and tommy lasorda...sorta

While home for my mom's party, I left her and went to a Chattanooga Lookouts
(minor, minor league baseball) game.

(wasn't that nice of me??)

Actually we all left her. By herself. At home. With a bum knee.

(we are such saints)

But here's the picture that was fun to get.


Do you see him? Back there not paying attention to me!! The one, the only Tooommmmyy Lasorda! Like I told Dave, that's the Dodgers guy right?

Here's a little closer pic. Who knew that the first Lookouts game we'd go to since 1994 that a baseball legend would be there. That's makes it even more fun.

Let me take a moment now to introduce a new addition to this blog. It's called Jakes' hat.
You will see it a lot in next few post. It's a keeper. So is he.


Anonymous said...

Jake and his hat are adorable. Tommy Lasorda - ehhh. Love you all lots!

Anonymous said...

Jake is truly adorable...what a sweetheart!!! I love the pictures. We did have a fun and busy weekend. I enjoyed everyone being home...thanks for coming in for my retirement brunch. Give Jake hugs and kisses for me.
Love, Mom