She said she would...and then she did.
School is starting back up and for the first time in decades, my mom is not in the classroom.
Whoop! Whoop! My mom is retired!
I bet you a million dollars that right now she is soaking up her new found freedom with a little crypto-quote puzzle and some QVC.
Mom, I love you and I'm proud of you.
Friday morning some lovely ladies threw her a retirement party.
Mom was something she doesn't like to be... the center of attention. She was great through the hugs and well wishes.
Of course everyone knew Jake. I can't imagine why. I mean mom never would talk about him, or pass pictures around or parade him around when he visited. I mean never! (yeah right)
Jakey was constantly on the move until we found a way to deter him.
Yep! That'll do it.
So the goodbyes turned into see-ya laters and I think it was kinda strange for all of us as we walked out of mom's school one last time.
Of course we snapped one more picture...sippy cup and all.
That was until my gang realized I hadn't left.
Geesh can't leave a giant cake behind.
We have a memory lane to walk and nothing to eat.
In true momma fashion, she turned me around and made me give it back.
Yes, ma'm. She did.