Friday, July 30, 2010

Round and Round

I’ve spent part of my day writing something for a friend, part of my day discussing Jacob with a specialist in another state and my evening having a blast with my little family. Praising God for how good we’ve got it.

Tonight though, for some reason I can’t sleep. Hmmm… wonder why? Could it be because I’ve got several projects in the works . Or maybe because Jake will transition in a few months to another school and I’m lining up assessments and appointments to prepare for his ISP.

More then likely it’s the large diet coke I had for dinner.

The good news, the caffeine kicked me into overdrive…. For example going for a run at 8:30 on a Friday night. The bad news, I can’t sleep and I can’t turn my mind off.

For example, tonight I asked Dave if a fox was a cat… thought about how old Jude Law is looking and how that makes me sad…. AND sat on the couch and ate cookie dough… AFTER my run while watching a really bad Jennifer Anniston movie.

I also thought about the upcoming election and I how decided my vote by a 30 second ad.

Thankfully, a smart man is in the house who quizzed me on this candidate’s agenda (which I didn’t know) and I will soon be spending more political time on the internet.

So here’s a thought….wouldn’t it be cool if God made picking a candidate a little easier? Since you asked… Here’s the way I’d like it done. I’m a visual person, so I would just like a big yellow post-it note on the right guy’s back that says… VOTE HERE! Yes! Who’s with me?

Final thought for the night ... do you also feel bad when you pray over your McDonald’s cheeseburger and say….bless this food to my body?

I mean really?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


He's just that cute!

He's just that tired...

And he's just that sweet...

Little man put himself down for a nap. Climbed up. Cozied down... and chilled out.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Don't They Ring Anymore?

I went outside last Thursday. Then, I came back in. Exciting, huh?

Five minutes later.... I went outside again and about jumped out of my flip flops.

Literally in like five minutes,in some type of covert operation, brown did this for me.

Without a single knock.

And to think, I was gonna have him put it in the garage?

p.s. Thanks grammy for Jake's big boy bed. I started crying just thinking about taking the crib down.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Westward We Go

So to end the tour we started in the last post. Dave and I went to St. Louis for several days after the fourth.

We left Jake at his Grammy's to attend to a little biz-ness. Not the carefree kind. Dave and I went to a William's Syndrome conference. It was four days of sessions, and questions and meeting and greeting. We only took in two full days of all that.

As you can imagine, going to a place where reality is everywhere you turn is bittersweet. It's great to get to know other people who deal with what you deal with. It's also a little crazy to educate yourself on what lies ahead.

Bottom line... I got a nice serving of fried brains!

So because Jake wasn't with us. We had nothing to take pictures of so here's three of the six pictures taken.

This one below... is for my sister. No, she' not a baseball fan. She and I are angry bird fanatics. What's angry birds? The most addicting game iTunes has ever produced... and yes you shoot birds... but in a nice way.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Here, There and Everywhere-First Leg

It's been a very busy July. I counted it up and since July 2nd we've covered about 12-hundred miles. We went in just about every direction and I packed and unpacked and packed again.

Soooo anywho..... since I'm your personal tour guide for this little story... I invite you to buckle up, grab a snack and by all means... keep your hands to yourself.

First, I want everybody to wave HI to my family. I've been part of this group officially for 10 years and I am very lucky girl.

So the first leg of our journey took us home... that would be three hours east. We spent the fourth with family. Lots of family. Reunion family and lots of fun.
I could tell you about the fishing, the fish fry, the raffle in which I WON a very cool handmade quilt or the egg toss which ended like this.

Instead I'll to tell you how this family reunion set an unofficial world record. I took part in the world's longest hayride. You wanna guess how long my family set on hay? Not 1. Not 2. Not 3... BUT FOUR HOURS!!!
Thankfully, we were in the mountains and covered by shade most the time. Thankfully, I had snacks in my bag. Thankfully, Jake fell asleep. Thankfully, I am not still on that wagon. (can I get an Amen?)
On this leg of our tour I learned a new lesson. Getting cousins together and trying to get their picture in matching t-shirts is not easy.
Take 1:

Take 2:

Take 3....ahh forget it!

I'm ending our tour today at one of Jake's favorite stops. The pool.
Soak up his cuteness and get ready for out next stop. We're heading west!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Back At It

I am simply one of the most blessed women you will ever meet. I admit, I don't realize it all the time... but I truly am.

God provides little surprises and treats for me all the time. Actually, many of the treats are huge. I mean.. Ephesians 3:20 type of stuff. You know...exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think.

When Jake went to school I wondered what would I do? Duh! Nothing!

Of course it would be great to spend the free days reading, shopping.... but in this house... it ain't happening. (I say that to mean we are normal...we're on a budget folks!)

So what did the Lord do? He provided like he always does. He provided a friend, who provided a job...which is absolutely perfect for me !

I now spend a couple days a week working as the studio manager for Mandy Johnson Photography.

Her work is unbelieveable... her heart even better.

I mean just take a look at these pictures...



Mandy's on my mind today because she had surgery. I'm wish'n her well White House style.

Go check out her website and blog if you need a happy place for a moment.
It's brand spankn' new. Click here:

So I love me some pictures. Good pictures. ( and hers aren't cheap) So I have to let you know that she's got a great deal right now. She's offering fall mini-session for $125. (that's like half off) If your interested just email me at and I'll tell you more about it. (can you tell I just wrote a newsletter for her.. I'm all informationed up)

Hope everyone has a great 4th!

p.s. If you go to her website check out that home video. Oh my! priceless!