I’ve spent part of my day writing something for a friend, part of my day discussing Jacob with a specialist in another state and my evening having a blast with my little family. Praising God for how good we’ve got it.
Tonight though, for some reason I can’t sleep. Hmmm… wonder why? Could it be because I’ve got several projects in the works . Or maybe because Jake will transition in a few months to another school and I’m lining up assessments and appointments to prepare for his ISP.
More then likely it’s the large diet coke I had for dinner.
The good news, the caffeine kicked me into overdrive…. For example going for a run at 8:30 on a Friday night. The bad news, I can’t sleep and I can’t turn my mind off.
For example, tonight I asked Dave if a fox was a cat… thought about how old Jude Law is looking and how that makes me sad…. AND sat on the couch and ate cookie dough… AFTER my run while watching a really bad Jennifer Anniston movie.
I also thought about the upcoming election and I how decided my vote by a 30 second ad.
Thankfully, a smart man is in the house who quizzed me on this candidate’s agenda (which I didn’t know) and I will soon be spending more political time on the internet.
So here’s a thought….wouldn’t it be cool if God made picking a candidate a little easier? Since you asked… Here’s the way I’d like it done. I’m a visual person, so I would just like a big yellow post-it note on the right guy’s back that says… VOTE HERE! Yes! Who’s with me?
Final thought for the night ... do you also feel bad when you pray over your McDonald’s cheeseburger and say….bless this food to my body?
I mean really?