So what have you been up to? It's been a while since I've posted so let's catch up.
Since our anniversary, Nashville had incredible flooding, we celebrated mother's day and I discovered that I really don't like Vanderbilt baseball.
Which one do want to hear about? Let's avoid controversy and go with mother's day.
The only problem... no pictures. We headed east to see our moms but the camera stayed in the mid-state. So that's that.
As for flooding.... it's the reason why I don't like Vandy baseball. The Saturday that a building went floating down interstate 24, my hubby was stuck working a game. Seriously, they would not call the game even though half the city was under water. It was ridiculous and totally irresponsible. Dave made it home around one in the morning.
So, I've saved the best for last.. Jacob.
He's doing well. Moving faster and with more confidence. He's eating alright and his speech is...well.... not there. He communicates but not with words. Please pray for my little man. I have full confidence he will do it. Just pray for things to start clicking.
I'll leave ya with a couple of my favorite pictures taken recently. Thanks for loving my boy... just the way he is.