I'm gonna be real with ya... it's been a rough day.
We found out this morning that Jake's heart has gotten worse. For those of you that don't know Jake's aortic valve is narrowing. It had been stable for over a year but changed over the last two months.
The fact is... we are one step closer to surgery. We go back in a month and if it's changed again, the surgery will be scheduled. A top-notch surgeon in Ann Arbor, Michigan has agreed to perform the operation. When the time comes we are looking at being in Ann Arbor for at least three weeks.
But here's the rest of the story. Dave and I are at peace with everything. We have put our trust in Him who is the ultimate healer. Jehovah Rapha. We have said since the day of Jake's diagnosis that we have a choice to make. Will we choose to fall apart, grow angry and bitter...or choose God? That's an easy question so I won't answer it for you.
I'm a mother. So I'm not sitting here with a smile on my face. What is on my face is mascara..because yes there have been tears. Giving this all to God is not easy.
You see, my heart is changing right along with Jake's. I used to pray for Jake's heart to stay the same...for surgery to never happen. But God changed my heart's prayers a few weeks ago. I have been praying for the surgeon, for strength, for my family and my husband. So I ask that you pray for the same. Lift Jacob up.
This is one of the verses I use almost daily.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with THANKSGIVING, present you requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Phillippian 4:6-7
I can't thank you all enough for loving us, praying for us and helping us get through.
When I finally get to see the result of God's plan.. after all of this.... it's gonna be so good.