Sunday, February 8, 2009

Wishin'...Fishin' and Dishin'

Oh my!! What a title! What does that mean exactly? I don't think I'm even for let's sort it out.

Here's Wishin' my hubby a happy birthday!! We were suppose to go to the movies Friday but it was sold out. So not to waste perfectly good babysitters (my parents) we went to....drumroll please... Chucky Cheese.  Yes.  Ten dollars down and so many rounds of skee ball that our back's hurt... we walked out with eight pieces of laughy taffy as our reward.

His real birthday present was a Fishin' trip with his buddy. He spent the weekend camping and casting on the river.

And for the Dishin' part... well... Dave and I are in disagreement about what it really means.
 I think it means what's the latest. Like what's happening.   For the moment I think I've convinced him I'm right (of course I am),

 But here's the dish... we have absolutely no doctor's appointments this week.!!!! Jake slept through the night last night.!! And all is well.  I guess you could say we are living happily ever after...for now.  And happiness just showed up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What more could a woman want than 2 good looking guys in her life
Love you guys