Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sweet Moments

Jake brings me sweet moments every day. There is one though that ranks near the top.


Every evening I tell Jake "Daddy will be home soon". He goes to the door and watches and waits.

On this day the door became a distraction. He was breathing a little heavy and poof, the door became a place to draw.

I think his shirt is very appropriate because he too-too- cute!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Jake and I have been a movie-watching, elmo-coloring, brownie making, play-doh playing, nappers the past couple of days. Snow had us home-bound and at times a little bored since daddy is away.

We did get to spend a lot of time at our new table.

One of my favorite things about it... his feet dangle from the seat. So stinkin' cute.

And we did get our for a little bit until Jake discovered that not keeping your gloves on results in cold hurting hands.

For some reason he was very interested about our neighbors backyard.

And our final lesson of the day, you can eat snow.... as long as it's not yellow.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Our new pet.

It's not a dog. ( don't have the time or energy)

It's not a cat. ( litterboxes stink )

It's not a hamster or a gerbil or a bird..... we are taking it slooooow....soooo we got....a... FISH.

Meet Henry and Horton. Actually we are just down to Henry. Horton heard a heavenly host of angels singing and went towards the light. (aka...the toilet)

Jake loves it and I like having an animal back in the house again. Who knows what's next.

Friday, January 7, 2011

What to do..what to do.

It's Friday and there's nothing planned

. Hubby and I have been talking for days about what to do.

Do we go to Atlanta? Do we go Knoxville?

Then I was skimming through my pictures and I saw this one from Arzonia.

How about we all pack up and go here?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Better Late then Never

So, I'm a girl who loves to learn (if it's something I'm interested in..if it's not...forget it!)

What I've learned the past couple of weeks is that many people love my baby. You've showered him with gifts. You've hugged him, played with him and you have asked for MORE PICTURES!!!

Here we go guys. Christmas in the year of two thousand and ten was.... well, GREAT!

Dave and I both forgot the camera for our trip up on the mountain.. so only the valley is represented. Sorry guys. But I was super excited when a kids pottery barn table landed on my doorstep! I 'm having a hard time letting little man use it. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa White. I'll post a pic of it soon.

Jake was all about opening presents this year. All of them.

Santa came early and we let him open presents Christmas Eve here at the house.

Then it was Christmas morning at my parent's house.

And because I posted this picture a couple weeks ago...

He got this!

Hope 2011 brings you great things.... like a smile from Jake. :)