Monday, May 23, 2011

The Last Day... of the First Year

The school year is over.

Jake's first.

He started the pre-K program at the local school back in January. It was enough to send this mom over the edge. (and up a pant size) It turned out to be one of the best things we've ever done.
His teacher was great, the school was great and Jakey was happy. If Jakey is happy, this family is happy.
Here's my big 3 year-old on the last day.

We went to school in our swim trunks for a fun field day.

If there's a drop, a puddle or pool of water around Jake will spend some time with it.

Then it was time for a little croquet. Yes, I'm raising a high-society gentleman. We are so high-society that I had to Google how to spell croquet.

We loved our year thanks to this special lady. We are thrilled to be headed back to Miss Mandy's class next year.

Now bring on the summer fun!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Sad Little Egg Hunter

So.. since Easter was soooo long ago I'll tell you the quick story about this fella....

The Sad Little Egg Hunter.

The Sad little Egg Hunter had a little cold. Took a little bendryl and was little out of it.

Then came along (while we were patiently waiting for the hunt to start)
This man....

This is my pastor dressed as an Easter Bunny. It was waaaay tooo much for the Sad Little Egg Hunter to handle and he started to cry....moments before they yelled GO!

So the sad little egg hunter gave it all he had. But being that he was upset and that he's just too sweet to get the idea of competition (go quick to get the most you can)... he ended up with just a few eggs.

But the sad litle egg hunter enjoyed every egg he got. He picked up each one...examined it, shook it and then opened it before heading to the next.

Before you knew it, the sad little egg hunter wasn't sad anymore.

Plus... this little egg hunter knows mama bunny will always have treats for him at home.