Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Our Revolving Door

The White House hosted three different families over four nights this past weekend. It was lots of fun but man am I tired. We had cars a'coming and a'going so much that a neighbor called to see what was going on.

First my sister was here to spend time with Jake. She was going to babysit while Dave and I went out for his birthday. Plans got messed up when Jake would not go back to sleep Saturday night so we opted for a nap instead of a date.

Of course she brought the latest holiday's present for my little man.
Aunt Megan never fails! Who else color coordinates her gifts?

Then Sunday Dave's brother and his family got here as Meg was leaving. Jake had a blast with his cousins!
Of course we have toy after toy to play with but nothing was as fun as the pull-out couch.
Under this blue blob is three squealing laughing kids.

They bounced and rolled..

and laughed and laughed and laughed. This picture is priceless.

Then Monday night God took me out of my comfort zone and led me to invite another family in who was facing medical issues. The snow, middle-of-the-night driving and a long day at the hospital just wasn't acceptable in my book. So they came and I'm so glad they felt comfortable enough to take me up on my offer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jen PLEASE send me prints of the grandkids together!!!
I want them to be close so much it hurts. To see them having so much fun together just makes me so happy.
Love you all so much
Your Mammie
You are "The Hostess with the MOSTEST"!!!!!!!