Thursday, January 14, 2010

Jake and the Sink

Here's a little story about a sweet boy who loves to put stuff where it doesn't belong.

His sidekick in today's tale is a step stool. This step stool was purchased to help, not hurt, daily life in the White house. We are now seriously considering banishing the step stool to the garage. A place where things go and never return.

The step stool is aiding Jake with his fascination about a bathroom sink. The sink has become a treasure chest. Several times a day I walk by and find weird things placed in the sink.
Today, it was the phone and remote.

Then I caught him in the act of placing a snow globe there. It's suppose to be in storage with the rest of our Christmas decorations, but now it's a regular sink dweller.

And then the next one scared me just a little. OK, maybe a lot. I walked by and jumped when I saw this.

Jake and the Sink. A match made in heaven.


Susan said...

nNot a good idea to banish the step stool to the garage. It serves as the tool to "higher learning" (no pun intended). Better idea is to put clicker, phone or any other important tool in a place where the little hands cannot reach. Our Marty no longer is interested in little specks on the floor, instead he is reaching for items on the counter tops. Amazing how they can program their learning in order to progress into learning all they need to learn. I definitely am enjoying watching this Greatgrandson of mine grow. I did not have the time while raising my own four. Everyday is a new adventure for him. Love your little man and enjoy every minute of every day watching him "grow big".

Love and hugz, Susan

Anonymous said...

Welcome to my world! You may develop your plumbing skills in the very near future (not that you want to) Watch the pump handsoap on the bathroom sink it is a lot of fun to pour it into the sink put the stopper in and turn on the water full blast.Fun times they are a coming!! Enjoy Jacob he is growing up so fast. Oh yeah the top of the fridge is an excellent place for....well anything just don't open the freezer door too quickly or you may Surprise! Find the hammer that you put somewhere but can't remember where??? We love you all! Suzanne

Anonymous said...

That was funny!
Jen think like a 2 year old. Jake thinks Mom and Dad got this stool so he can put things in the sink, Thus... If you can't find something... Look in the sink first!
Love you All

Anonymous said...

you can banish the step stool, but if he is anything like cammie, he will just turn small garbage cans upside down, any sort of toy, etc. for the same purpose!
i find my bathroom trashcans upside down, having been used as step stools all day long!