Monday, July 13, 2009

The Weekend in Two Words... Kentucky. Moving.

Moving is always fun. (yeah right)
But it's a little more enjoyable when it's not you.
(Some of you thought we were moving right?...ahh my little game worked)
Dave's brother and his wife are moving to Louisville.
Dave, Jake and I...even Riley... went up Saturday to help get everything moved in.
It was a short little trip that resulted in some big memories. Like the adventure of staying in a hotel with a dog, a toddler who wants to party all night and 50 others kids staying there for a basketball tournament.
Just so you know... the dog wants to bark... the kiddo wants to cry, and the 50 other kids want to run up and down the stairs outside your room at all hours of the night.
So what are the parents suppose to do? How about muster up the ability to laugh and then purchase venti treats at Starbucks the next morning.
We got started around 10 Sunday morning. These two make a good moving team.
Jake loved roaming around a empty house but he did get confined for a while. He would smile at you everytime you came through the doors. Sweet!
And my favorite picture of all.. an EMPTY TRUCK!!

I was very thankful at the end of the day. We didn't get caught in the 8 mile backup caused by a horrible wreck. And, we rolled in before some crazy, green-sky storms hit. Ahh..thank ya Lord!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a team!
Now Boys bring that truck to Happy Top and get the rest of Adam's stuff!