Monday, April 20, 2009

I hope my neighbors like us...

Because they are gonna be seeing us all the time now.
It's warm and Jake LOVES being outside.
This past week he's been into the water, mulch, dirt and grass.
One of his favorites.... a pool full of bird seed.
It's a therapy thing that addresses everything from sensory imput to fine motor and cognitive skills.
Who knew bird seed could do so much?

The big project this weekend. Jacob's tree.
Yep we bought Jacob a tree just in time for earth day.
That was a coincidence... not planned.
I wished you all could of seen us trying to get the tree home.
It's about twelve feet tall and we don't have a truck.
So Dave sat it in the back of our SUV and let it stick out the window.
As we drove down the road you could see the tree waving high above our car like a leafy flag.
I was hiding in the front until I got to watching everyone's expression as they past us.
We weren't just hauling a tree...we were spreading joy.


Anonymous said...

Jen, Jake looked like he really liked the bird seed, much cleaner than sand. Oh I just wish I could pick him up and kiss him right now!!!
The tree, now that was something I wish I could of seen but, you know somehow I can picture you 3 traveling down the hwy. with a tree hanging out of your SUV!!!!!
Just keep taking Jake outside. Let him see everything, touch everything, and if nothing else, let him feel the breeze on his face. I love it that he loves to be outside.
Love you
your mammie

Anonymous said...

Jake makes me smile and gives my heart a warm, fuzzy feeling. I miss him when I'm away--Love you
