Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Team Jacob

So we're about a week away from the big eating day.
This time next week I'll be in my parents cozy den. A fire will be going in the fireplace and we'll all be burning up...except for my mom. 
I can't wait!!
 So, since it's that time of year... let me introduce you to some people I'm extremely thankful for.
First, meet Miss Sandra.

She is Jake's Physical Therapist. She's good...real good. She loves my little boy so much.
She's the one who got him to crawl and is now workin' on the  walkin'.
Right now we see her twice a week.

Second, meet Miss Brooke.
She does Jake's Occupational therapy every week.
She's had him in ball pits, tubs filled with beans, and even a laundry basket. She's got the hard task of getting him to clap, point, pull and poke.

Third, meet Miss Yolonda.
Doesn't she just ooze kindness?
 She's is Jake's TEIS services coordinator.
She's the one I call anytime I have problems or questions. 

There's one more person I want you to meet on Team Jake. Since I didn't get her picture today... I'll save  the introduction for later. It truly is best...because she's extra-special.

So..that's Jake's "A" team. The Lord has blessed both Jake and I by putting them in our lives.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for putting a picture with the names we all know. I too love these people I've never met and thank God for them.

Heather said...

Hi, my name is Heather... My son is 10.. almost 11 with WS. We have a whole community of blogging WS mommies if you would like to check us out. You are more than welcome. Your little guy is precious.
mine is private, but I could send you an invite. I will give you a link to one of my friends blogs which will take you to many more.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jen for letting us meet these great folks who love and help our Jake so much. I am truly thankful for all they do and for the blessing they have been to ALL of Jake's family. We love them and thank God for them--even more so at this season of Thanksgiving. Please let them know how appreciative we are of all they do. By the way Jen, the YULE log is on the grate ready to be lit-come on home!!!!!

Ashley said...

You have been blessed with wonderful people to travel this journey with you!!!

(Yolanda is coming to have a talking to this week with my E)

Anonymous said...

Oh Jen thank you for the pics!
It is so good to put faces to names, and even better to know these young people are so dedicated, and get so involved.
You just don't know how much it means to those of us who can't be with Jake every day to help him along, that he has folks that love him and care about him.
I'm looking forward to the fire, the food, and the fellowship at your Mom's house.
P.S. Tell your Dad he is getting a pie!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jenny, Dave, Jake and Riley! It's your old neighbor Jayme. I try to come on this site and catch up with you guys. Jake is just precious and I feel bad that I haven't seen ya'll in so long. Of course I love the picture of Jake and Riley. It's funny. I may be moving to a townhouse if all works out so I'll let you all know.

Much love,
