Saturday, November 1, 2008

Here He Is...

For Halloween, Jakey was  the cutest clown I've ever seen... I know you agree.

Seriously...he's cute..i mean make-my-heart-melt-buy-you-what-ever-you-want-cute.
We drove him around the neighborhood in his little car.

I think he enjoyed that more then anything.
 I enjoyed his candy.

Earlier in the day his Aunt Megan (the greatest in the world) brought him a present. In Aunt Megan's world, there's always a reason for a present. This summer he even got an Olympic's gift. Yes, it was sports theme... and yes it was awesome.
 Yesterday.. the package was covered with frankenstein. 

Hope you all had a great night. 


Rebecca said...

Aww...cliff hanger!! What was in the Frankenstein package???

LOVE the blog and he is adorable!! Getting so big too!


Anonymous said...

YES What was in the package?
I told you his Daddy was a clown on his first Halloween. Who's the cutest? It's a TIE!!!!